About Us
Mission Statement
Sherman Cares, Inc. was formed to solicit funds in order to provide charitable financial assistance to residents of the Town of Sherman, Connecticut.
Sherman Cares, Inc. operates as a resource of “last resort” for Sherman residents who have exhausted available assistance from Federal, State and local resources (primarily churches and the local branch of the Salvation Army) for such needs as heating fuel, electricity, transportation, medical and dental care, shelter, clothing, and food.
Having a nonsectarian source of funding, Sherman Cares, Inc. extends charitable financial assistance to all Sherman residents identified to be in need to the extent of available funds.
Recipients of financial assistance are identified by the Town of Sherman’s Director of Social Services, who will have evaluated the need and exhausted other resources available for the individual’s situation before recommending a case to Sherman Cares.
Ashleigh Blake
Ruth Chen Byrnes, Secretary
Joe Chiaramonte
Ralph Gorman
Andrea O’Connor, President
Katy Osborn
Shelia Reidy
Steve Roffwarg
Bernadette Schopfer, Treasurer
John O’Connor, Founder
Contact Us
Sherman Cares, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent the law allows.
You can make a donation with any credit card by clicking the donate button. You do not need to have a PayPal account.
Interested in helping Sherman Cares but feel unprepared to write another check or commit assets today? A simple, flexible and versatile way to ensure that Sherman Cares can continue to help our neighbors in need for years to come is through a gift in your will or living trust, known as a charitable bequest.
By including a bequest through your will or trust, you are ensuring that Sherman Cares will be able to meet the needs of struggling residents far into the future. Your gift also entitles your estate to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction. Contact us for more information.